Friday, December 2, 2011

Master of Negotiation & Imagination

Greyson has been cracking me up lately.  Like, all the time.  He is talking so well now and understands waaay more than I think he should.  So, he comes up with the most grown-up things to say.  And he also comes up with the most hilarious things to say.  I love his sense of humor, I can tell its going to be dry and intellectual, like his daddy's.  He has also started exploring the art of negotiation.  SUCH a first-born thing to do.  He has to have his way snuck in there any way he can.  Here are a couple of recent conversations I want to remember.

Last night at bedtime:
Me: Ok, Greyson we can read one book.
G: How about three books?
Me:  One book.
G:  Two books?
Me:  No books?
G:  One book.

Today after a quick trip to Ikea that ended with a $1 ice cream cone:
Me: You can have two big licks of ice cream and then you need to eat some hot dog.
G:  How about.... ten licks?!
Me:  TEN?!
G:  How about... eight?
Me:  Two licks.
He looks at me smiling and sneakily took a third lick.  :)

He has also been becoming so much more imaginative lately.  I love watching him play.  He loves racing cars, building train tracks, "cooking" dinner, and dreaming up all sorts of new games.  I think Santa is going to have to bring him some imaginative toys this Christmas.  He has names for all his cars and says they are all his friends and they are friends with each other.  Girls have dolls and animals, apparently boys befriend their cars and trains.

He has also really started liking Sawyer.  Which makes it so fun to watch them interact.  He likes to show Sawyer his cars and read to him and teach him about matching (his other favorite pastime).  Here is a sweet sweet video of Greyson reading to Sawyer, which was entirely his idea.  I love this!

1 comment:

  1. So cute and fun!!!!! What a little stinker with all that negotiating. So smart! One of my favorite things is how little kids "stop playing" with babies by pushing them away. Good catch before Sawyer took a tumble to the floor. I'd love to meet him soon!!!!!
