Greyson has been getting pretty verbal over the last week or so, and is getting much better at his manners. :) He has two very specific "words" that he uses almost constantly. "Ba" is Greyson's word for drink, it is leftover from when we were trying to teach him to say "bottle." A week or two ago, I was trying to teach him to say "banana," but it came out like "na" instead. So, now he says "na" for any food he wants. So, first thing out of bed in the morning he is signing "please" and saying "ba, na, ba, na, na..." It sounds like "banana" but really he just wants food and milk. And it continues all day. He has been a hungry boy lately! Or, at least he knows he is saying something that is meaningful, so he keeps saying it. Either way, it works. But, he knows he gets nothing until he signs please, so he always just keeps rubbing his chest while he is saying "ba, na." It cracks me up, but at least he is learning his manners!
Also, he is revealing more of his OCD side. Ok, not really, but he is pretty anal! If you know my husband, this comes as no surprise. :) He is very particular about getting all bits of food off his high chair when he is done eating, or knocking over all stacks of blocks that he did not stack himself. He is constantly opening and closing everything, including lids, doors, books, drawers. He doesn't like to be near a door that is open, and will immediately close it if he can. He eats his food in groups. Like, all the tomatoes, then all the cheese, etc. Silly boy!
Ok one more thing. He is becoming really good at following simple directions. This may all be lame and normal for me to write about, but I've never had a kid before, so I don't know when these things start happening. Anyway, I can tell him, "Greyson, take your binks out of your mouth and put it in your bed. Binks is for bedtime." And he will do it. Or, "Greyson, can you give that block to mommy?" And he gives it to me. Or, "Greyson, go get your drink and give it to Daddy." Yep, can do that too. He also loves the dog, and any other dog he sees. So, he has this book with tons of animals in it (thanks, Aunt Amy!). One of the pages has this huge photo of a dog. He turns to that page and I say, "Where's the dog?" And he points to it. He can find the dog on other pages too. Cool right? Tonight we were working on the cat and duck, too, but he is really partial to the dog. Maybe he needs a trip to the zoo or farm or someplace where he can experience other animals. :) Ugh...when it cools off.
Yesterday we had a mommy-Greyson date to the mall and splash pad. It was his first trip to the splash pad because I wanted to wait til he was at least walking a little bit. Definitely fun! He LOVED it. It took him a minute to warm up to the idea, but once he understood what the other kids were doing, he got right in there and had a blast. I have photos, but I am editing a senior shoot right now, so when that's done I will post some of him.
Ok, I think that's all for tonight. Tomorrow is Friday of the 2nd week back to school/crazy schedule/adapting to both being home. Thanks for checking in!
Getting Gratitude in my Attitude
8 years ago
You are such a loving mom! I love how crazy you are about your sweet son!