Saturday, January 9, 2010

my life this week

Well, this is my first post ever on mommy's blog, and I am going to show you what I've been up to this week!  It has been a very busy week for me with mommy going back to work and everything, but somehow we still managed to do all this stuff too...

This is me swinging on the swing at the park!  I had so much fun and I LOVED flying through the air!

See?  Thumbs up!

My favorite part was when daddy was pushing me higher and higher :)

This is me hanging out with my friend Brielle while our mommies got their hair done by Christin.  My other friends were there too, but Cambry was running around and Colbie was sleeping.

This is me trying out my new sippie cup.  I love water!

This is me playing my new favorite game, called "hanging upside-down from daddy's hands."  Its super fun!

And these are from today when daddy buzzed my hair.  Now it looks really handsome!

Thanks for reading my blog post!  I hope you have a great weekend!  I'm sure I will be busy napping, playing, and eating lots of food!


  1. What a great post Greyson!!! It sure looks like you had a fun week. I can't wait to play with you again soon!

  2. Hey Greyson, I really like the picture of us together. We make a handsome couple. Can't wait 17 years til you're in your tux and I'm in a poofy pink dress...I am your prom date, right? Please don't tell my mom that I got on the computer when she was sleeping. I'll get in trouble.
